Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Why choose OVO House?

OVO House comprises of the latest luxury accommodation for students of either universities in the city of Leicester. This high quality  and secure accommodation  in a safe location together with its most excellent proximity to both universities , local  amenities and downtown make it highly desirable .

What is the moving in date for the flat?

This is usually in the month of August or September.

Can I book this accommodation as a first year?

Yes, absolutely.

How long is the tenancy agreement?

The standard duration of tenancy is 48 weeks. There is a possibility of variation of the duration by mutual agreement.

Is the holding deposit offset against the years rent?


What deposits are required?

Two fees  are required prior to taking up tenancy.
The first is a holding fee of one weeks rent which is required to secure the chosen studio. This is non-refundable but this will be deducted from the first instalment of rent. Once this is paid your studio will be confirmed as booked .
The second fee required is four weeks rent that is then deposited in a government backed deposit scheme,(DPS ) which insures The money is kept securely to the end of the tenancy. This is returned to the tenant once any deductions for damages etc  have been made.
This second fee can be paid before the end of July .

Can I stay in my flat over summer?

Yes you are fully entitled to occupy the flat to the end of your tenancy agreement. Should you wish to stay beyond that period then that can be arranged by discussion nearer the time.

If I decide to rebook can I leave possessions in the flat for the following year?

We would be more than happy to accommodate returning students.We do not foresee any problems with this at this current time  but would be able to confirm nearer the time when this needs to be considered.

What can I do if I have a maintenance issue in my flat or the building?

You have 24 /7 access to our services by contacting the following number 07791073106.

Can I have friends over to stay?

No, Unless there is prior arrangement with the landlord to ensure adequate insurance cover .

Can I order bedding, towels, kitchenware, utensils etc?

Yes we can assist you in obtaining any items that you feel that you may need. Please contact us directly with your specific requirements.

Our cleaning Services-available?

Yes. Cleaning services can be provided as needed to your requirements. Please contact us directly for further details.




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